Learn What Works From The Most Successful Traders!
Trading Millionaries share their secrets...
Trading Millionaries share their secrets in a series of in-depth interviews. Over 80 detailed questions about anything that matter to their success:
- What systems they used in their early days?
- What systems do they use now?
- What did they do after a series of losses?
- How did they cope with stress, what really worked?
- Most dangerous issues beginners are facing today.
- Rules of trading that must be followed.
- How to learn discipline fast?
- How do they prepare for a trading day?
- What is the most important part of their systems?
- What are the best systems for beginners?
- What is their secret of exceptional performance?
- Biggest threats for beginners.

y. of Author's Experiences
Trading Masters
Conversation with LARRY WILLIAMS, the man who turned $10,000 to over $1,100,000 (10,900%) just in a year!
Larry has been the only futures trader in the world to repeatedly trade $1 million of his own money live at seminars around the globe.
Author of many indicators including Williams %R, Ultimate Oscillator, COT indices, accumulation/distribution indicators, cycle forecasts, market sentiment and value measurements.
The author of bestsellers which have educated tens of thousands of traders.
Winner of World Cup Championship of Futures Trading from the Robbins Trading Company, turned real $10,000 to over $1,100,000 (10,900%) in year.
He has always set the bar high for himself. He made one million in one year, then in one month and finally in one week. His goal was to make one million in a single day but he managed to earn “only” $850.000.
Here’s a sample of what you’ll learn just from Larry:
- Most promising ideas and concepts today.
- Most of the trainig stuff for traders is junk.
- Tips on how to deal with greed and afear.
- What should trader do if he gets a long series of losses
- Best, proven, rules for money management.
- How should one learn to deal with losses?
- How does he prepare for each day of trading?
- An honest advice for those with a low level of self discipline.
- What has he learned through meditation in the Zen monastery?
- His biggest mistake that he would like each trader to be able to avoid.
- The most critical warnings for rookie traders.
“And if you are seriously thinking about being a trader, I have good advice: READ THIS BOOK! You will avoid many nasty surprises.” Reader
Conversation with ANDREA UNGER FOUR TIMES the BEST trader in the world
The only person to ever win The World Cup Trading Championships 4 times, including three consecutive wins, and the 1st person to increase the account value to 672% within a single year!
Andrea started from arbitration to subsequently switched to manual trading and finally to semi-automatic systems.
Here’s a sample of what you’ll learn from Andrea:
- Which markets are most suitable for system-based trading?
- “Easy money” opportunities on stock exchanges which still remain available.
- Description of how he generated first major income on arbitration.
- Description of the first system he applied to Forex.
- How does he trade now?
- The most important question that each trader must ask himself at the very beginning.
- Two most important factors in professional trading.
- Powerful tips for experienced traders – how can you increase your income?
“Conversations with Market Masters is not only a book, but a guide for those looking to achieve real results.” Reader
Conversation with MOSTAFA BELKHAYATE a successful gold trader and a BILLION dollars fund manager
In 2005 Mr. Belkhayate started a Canadian private fund investing in the gold market. The fund had over 1.3 billion under management. in 2006, it was ranked by Bloomberg #1 among a broad range of commodity funds.
Mr Belkhayate is Investment Advisor of the Edmond de Rothschild Physical Gold Fund Class A. President of the Moroccan Association of Technical Analysts. Creator of the Gravity Center Concept of a commodity movement, officially recognized as the best technical analysis innovation in 2009.
- How does he make his market decisions? In a very different way from the vast majority of traders.
- Why does he think that the price is a lagging indicator?
- What comes before the price?
- What is the difference between the best traders of the world and the ordinary ones?
- How to improve one’s traders inctinct?
- Why most beginner traders will stay in a bad trade 3-4 times longer than their winning trades?
- How does he prepare for each day – what is most crucial?
- How can your beliefs affect your success in trading?
- Which beliefs impede major success among traders?
- What should a good automated system look like?
- Why success in trading is so difficult for many people to achieve?
- Why does he believe that “technical analysis is almost dead” and what should it be replaced with?
“Thanks to this book you can take a look inside minds of trading geniuses” Reader
Conversation with Joe Ross, an unquestionable legend of trading, bestselling author and respected mentor with over 50 YEARS of market experience
The interview with Joe Ross consists of dozens of tips for beginners and experienced traders – many of them is yet not known to the public. Joe spoke about his extensive experience gained through 50 years on the market (!!!) and 20 years of training currency traders.
Here’s a sample of what you’ll learn:
- How to work with fear.
- The secret of success of all great achievers.
- The best way to learn how to trade.
- How to overcome all negative emotions.
- Almost guaranteed ways to failure: 8 most dangerous issues beginners are facing today.
- Lessons learned from 2 traders who lost over $1 million.
- Powerful sources of self discipline.
- Contrarian’s opinion: Why „systems approach” to the market simply doesn’t work.
- How to learn to forgive yourself: an example of $45 thousand loss in 20 minutes.
- Powerful mental preparation before trading.
- Four pillars of trading success.
- What is the best way to learn discipline fast?
- The best systems for beginners.
10 laws of trading never seen before. - The most critical beginners’ mistakes.
- Smart way of using equity curve to increase amount of winning trades.
“Success leaves clues. You’ll find all of them as you turn the pages in this extraordinary guide.” Reader
Conversation with Robert Miner, the legend, the winner of Robbins World Cup Championship of Futures Trading
The author of over a dozen of books, including several world-wide bestsellers.
The man behind brilliant software supporting each trader’s decision-making process.
- The most important step he made early in his career, which in time, translated into a major success.
- Practical tips for rookies – based on his own experience as well as the experience of his successful students.
- Lessons learned from his biggest mistake – the biggest loss he has ever incurred.
- A few contrarian-related advices for rookies.
- Why does he recommend entering Robbins contest to anyone?
People often learn from mistakes but it is a WRONG WAY…
Wise people learn from mistakes of others!”
Conversation with GAVIN HOLMES, a trader who earns on detecting market MANIPULATION!
Gavin Holmes is a professional trader, a student of Tom Williams – the author of Volume Spread Analysis (VSA).
He is the author of two ground-breaking books: „Trading in the shadows of smart money” part 1 and 2. In these publications, he describes the mechanisms behind stock, raw material and currency market manipulations with numerous figures and examples.
Currently, Gavin earns his living by detecting instances of market manipulations and using them to his advantage.
- Gavin: “In the furue, the extent of market manipulation will increase andcreate new opportunities”.
- He believes that numerous Forex companies are run by criminals.
- Basic guidelines: when to buy and when to sell – the way major players do it, completely differently from rookies.
- Why his mentor threw his technical analysis books to the bin?
- How does he prepare for a trading day?
- The basic reason for which 90% of traders lose their money.
- Examples of major banks which manipulate the markets, e.g. gold market or Libor values.
- Manipulation is a basic tool, a basic activity of major players
“I think there’s a lot of snake oil salesman in Forex. I believe there are a lot of people who are out and out criminals running Forex companies.” Reader
Conversation with ALBERT BRUNO, a trader, a manager, an IT specialist and a winner of numerous trading awards
Al is a managing director with Swiss based Physical Gold Fund: La Masah Gold Fund Ltd.
In 2009, he was the lead technical analyst for a team that won the Trophée Or at the Salon de l’Analyse Technique in Paris and followed in 2010 with the Trophée d’Argent for innovative breakthroughs in technical analysis.
In 2013, he led the technical team that again won the Trophée d’Argent for innovative breakthroughs in technical analysis.
For him – Forex is a land of deception.
He used to have his office on the 84th floor in Tower 1 of the World Trade Center. He survived, as he did not come to work on the critical day when the attack took place.
- The most important lesson learned in the process of developing automatic strategies.
- The most important technical tip for rookies – understand the volume.
- The best way (contrarian one) to learn a discipline.
- How to follow the direction of larger players?
Large traders cannot hide if you look for their shadow and small mosquitoes are harder to smack if they are biting from behind following the direction of the large players.” Al Bruno
Conversation with Tom Williams, a trader for the syndicate which MANIPULATED Wall Street stock markets
Quite accidentally, Tom got involved with a group of people making millions on manipulating stock markets. He learned their secrets inside out and he shares these secrets in his interview.
Tom is the author of 2 critically acclaimed books (a must read for each trader) on the realities of market manipulation, i.e. on how the major players manipulate the markets. “The Undeclared Secrets that Drive the Stock Market” and “Master the Markets”.
The interview:
- Tom describes the way the Syndicate used (and still uses) fake news to arouse interest in stock prices.
- He describes, in detail, the mechanism behind manipulation and stock buyout until the point where the stock price can be controlled.
- Why does he believe that averages, MACD and technical analysis, for the most part, do not work.
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WHAT system to choose?
The majority of novice traders who I've met want to learn the system which will allow them to make money ASAP. Preferably very quickly and a lot. BUT instead of reaching their goal, they become capital providers to the market. So, what system to choose? Check it! (PDF)
HOW to choose the best system for yourself?
Those who treat the system as a tool to achieve their goals – are on much better position. Meet the 8 practical hints how to choose the best system. One of the key issues that you need to know to get into the best-earning traders group. (PDF)
How to stop losing as a result of the "emotional stun"?
It happens that traders are stuck in the face of some event in the market and they lose money. You will learn 2 key elements of dealing with such situation. And the situation does not finds you with your pants down. (PDF)
Best Practices: Reduce stress level with cheat sheet
You can have a really good plan, but when you execute it under BIG stress, everything starts to fall apart... Everything. There's no choice in trading - you have to learn how to act under stress. (PDF)
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What People Say
And if you are seriously thinking about being a trader, I have good advice: READ THIS BOOK! You will avoid many nasty surprises.

Conversations with Market Masters is not only a book, but a guide for those looking to achieve real results.

Thanks to this book you can take a look inside minds of trading geniuses.

Success leaves clues. You’ll find all of them as you turn the pages in this extraordinary guide.

I think there’s a lot of snake oil salesman in Forex. I believe there are a lot of people who are out and out criminals running Forex companies.

Large traders cannot hide if you look for their shadow and small mosquitoes are harder to smack if they are biting from behind following the direction of the large players.

Al Bruno
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